Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday July, 21th, 2008 Visiting Yacolt with a video camera. Brief clips of the Yacolt Quakers.

Driving into Yacolt it's a warm 76 degrees. About the same visabilty as yesterday.
Y.P.P.A's Third nest plat form still lays on the ground.
( Click on image to enlarge)

A closer look at YAPPA’s 3rd platform apparently unfinished.

( Click on image to enlarge)

( Click on image to enlarge)

Close up of Quakers .
( Click on image to enlarge)
Close up of two Quakers . Above nestplatform #1.
( Click on image to enlarge)
If you look close & left click, in the far left hand corner of this photo you’ll see another Quaker announcing his arrival as it comes in for a landing.
( Click on image to enlarge)

52... Second distant video of : Maw” & Paw” Quakers 08/21/08 6:15 PM

51 second video clip Official count of five flying.

37... Second viedo clip of five Quakers flying in the distance flying.

(Jittery camera operator)

An 38 second video of: Two babies flying by as Parents Observe us From the nest platform. Count of 2 flying. 2 Adults on nest observing us.

19 seconds. Three fly overhead from North to south.

24 Second viedo of ; Glenn Confirming the spelling of
"His Quakers"
in his back Yard.
“Named JOE ? And ?."

35... Second video of Count of seven confirmed (Poor recording).

17.... second video of two baby fledglings, flying out of their nest.

12 Second video called ~Under Closer Observation’s video of Ma’ & Pa’ Joe on Confirmed .

35... Second video of Count of seven confirmed Quakers. (Poor recording).

32 Second Video of ; One parent Quaker hoping out of the nest and Chirping,

Good Night all..

We now believe that there are 10 Quakers Presently in Yacolt, Washington.

Keep in touch,

With the updates...

We'll be back...

Monday July, 21th, 2008 Visiting Yacolt with a video camera. Brief clips of the Yacolt Quakers.

Driving into Yacolt it's a warm 76 degrees. About the same visabilty as yesterday.
Y.P.P.A's Third nest plat form still lays on the ground.
( Click on image to enlarge)

A closer look at YAPPA’s 3rd platform apparently unfinished.

( Click on image to enlarge)

( Click on image to enlarge)

Close up of Quakers .
( Click on image to enlarge)
Close up of two Quakers . Above nestplatform #1.
( Click on image to enlarge)
If you look close & left click, in the far left hand corner of this photo you’ll see another Quaker announcing his arrival as it comes in for a landing.
( Click on image to enlarge)

52... Second distant video of : Maw” & Paw” Quakers 08/21/08 6:15 PM

51 second video clip Official count of five flying.

37... Second viedo clip of five Quakers flying in the distance flying.

(Jittery camera operator)

An 38 second video of: Two babies flying by as Parents Observe us From the nest platform. Count of 2 flying. 2 Adults on nest observing us.

19 seconds. Three fly overhead from North to south.

24 Second viedo of ; Glenn Confirming the spelling of
"His Quakers"
in his back Yard.
“Named JOE ? And ?."

35... Second video of Count of seven confirmed (Poor recording).

17.... second video of two baby fledglings, flying out of their nest.

12 Second video called ~Under Closer Observation’s video of Ma’ & Pa’ Joe on Confirmed .

35... Second video of Count of seven confirmed Quakers. (Poor recording).

32 Second Video of ; One parent Quaker hoping out of the nest and Chirping,

Good Night all..

We now believe that there are 10 Quakers Presently in Yacolt, Washington.

Keep in touch,

With the updates...

We'll be back...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday July 19th 2008-, ~~ Caution! (Some Graphic content shown below) ~~

~~~ Warning~~~
Graphic Content On The Next Page....
Click on the blue icon, marked OLDER POST on the lower right hand corner to turn the page...

Saturday July 19th 2008-, ~~ Caution! (Some Graphic content shown below) ~~

~~~ Warning~~~
Graphic Content On The Next Page....
Click on the blue icon, marked OLDER POST on the lower right hand corner to turn the page...

Saturday July 19th 2008 ~~ Caution! (Some Graphic content shown below) ~~ It was a warm 80-degree day.

On the way to Yacolt taking the long way....It was a clear & warm 80-degree day. On the way to Yacolt.
A few folks asked us to make this posting a scenic pictorial for them.
(Click on any image to enlarge)

Winding around the road, I look to the rear of the van. Driving into Yacolt from the eastside of town from a cage donation from Hockinson Washington.

There is a jogger in the road with her dog.

It’s a winding gravel road filled with wildlife.

Crossing the Lewis River Watershed (East Fork) Bridge.

I begin my journey into town.

There is a construction project apparently about to start on the bridge.

Driving into town. It’s a clear day

(Click on any image to enlarge)

I just missed the local train.
Arriving to the entrance to town every thin seem normal since we last made a report.
Rounding the corner of Jones and Hubbard . I noticed that the sun had faded the yellow off the caution tape.
On the corner of Twin Falls and Hubbard, from a distance I began to survey the area.
Everything seemed like a scene from the Twilight zone.

YPPA’S Nest platform appeared to be the same. Nothing has changed.
(Click on any image to enlarge)
The nest platform looks great! Still intact and holding up just fine.

I heard a distant sound of Quakers in a neighboring tree.
(Click on any image to enlarge) Looking up at Y.A.P.P.’s Nestplatform.

(Click on any image to enlarge)
And Down ...
Apparently someone has started growing a garden at the base of this platform with heavy saturation at the base of the platform.
I noticed a faucet turn on, saturating the ground at the base on the platform.

Driving around the corner of the block at the location of the first two attempted erection of Y.P.P.A's first pole I discovered that YPPA has yet to install their Platform.

(Which if they would, the would have two poles installed in town)
Currently they have two lying on the ground. One above.

(Click on image to enlarge)
Above you'll notice a photo of the second pole, still laying across the street.
(Click on image to enlarge)

I drove up the street to examine the above nest platform number two first erected by us in March, 2008 Everything looked good here.

As I looked around ....

Only one small sign of vandalism. The two stapled on “No Trespassing” signs where missing.
We found the taped one lying on the ground.
I tape the sign back on temporally. And went across the street to nest platform Number one.
Upon arrival of nest platform number one. Glenn Welker had just arrived back from California earlier and his wife found a sad discovery under the nest platform.

Glenn’s wife Lisa discovered two deceased Quakers under their nest platform.
The pair of birds were found lying next to each other, under the platform.
Rigor mortis had yet set in on this apparent juvenile. Upon further examination of these birds, It appears that this bird here that we are holding may be a juvenile , that had wounds on its face that may have came from a cat.

This birds appears to be a infant pushed out of the nest prematurely by it’s parents.
It was now about 1 pm. I was told that the birds usually would not return to the platforms until around dusk. We had six hours until we had an opportunity to see the birds. Glenn Welker suggested that we take a trip to the local mountaintop.
As we started to leave one Quaker arrived near the platform.
(Click on image to enlarge)
(Click on image to enlarge)
Just a few miles down the road we entered The National Forrest.
We stopped for a quick view of the local stream .

Glenn was proud to show he came prepared for the trip.
(Click on image to enlarge)
After a quick glance at an old camping site that Glenn used as a teenager, we where back on the road.
Back on the gravel road I look to my left. (North)
Then to the south to view the creek before we started up the mountain.
We noticed a few daytime campers.
(Click on image to enlarge) (Click on image to enlarge)
(Click on image to enlarge)

Crossing the first bridge up the hill.

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So up the hill we went...

And up…
I put my emergency flasher in the window due to a jeep just passing us around one of the corners a little bit to fast for my comfort.

So we continued up the hill...

I think where starting to get to the top.

Just to find out there is one more bridge to cross.

(IF You zoom in on the marker you’ll see a lost dog sign, with a few bullet holes on the post.)
(Click on image too Zoom In...)

Back on up the road we go…

Now a fork in the road makes me feel hungry to turn around for lunch.

(Click on image to enlarge)

After 10 additional minutes of driving It appears we made it to the top.
Glenn starts to point out where Yacolt sits behind a mountain peak.
Looking to the south, we noticed the smoke from the fires from Northern California.
(Click on image to enlarge)
Below, looking to the North we can catch a view of melting snow on Mount St. Helens.
Looking again to the south.
What a shame to notice back at this time that I had my camera set in correctly for distance photos.
(Still click on any image to enlarge.)
Glenn points out some expensive exotic plants used in floral shops.( Still click on any image to enlarge.)
Click on any image to enlarge.

Click on any image to enlarge.
Click on any image to enlarge. Click on any image to enlarge
I wiped the dust off the van so you could see how dusty the trail was.
Please Click on image to enlarge

A local couple who live in a cabin just down the trail stopped to say hi with their dog who needed a quick rest in the shade.

The dog wished to stay in the shade a few extra moments before continuing to guiding his humans back home.
And down the hill they went.
One last look around before returning to the nest platforms.

Time to start back...
So down the hill we go...
Click on any image to enlarge.
What a beautiful site to drive home to.

Click on any image to enlarge

A few more exotic wild plants.

Back down the road we go...

More wild flowers...
The top bridge crossing heading back to town.

Back in to the campground I noticed a speed limit sign.
( I felt it should of read 5 miles per hour)
Then saw a familiar sign to this part of the woods.
(Hunters ahead!!)

Glenn announces to me that his brother lives just up the road so we called and stopped in for a visit.

Of course Glenn’s sister in law was doing the yard work. LOL

Reminded by the thought of his wife. I saw reality kick in. So realizing that we have been gone for nearly 3 hours we started, back to Glenn’s house.

So we left his brothers home, back on the road to Glenns.
Arriving back in town we stopped at the local Trading post/Bank/Bar & flower store.

We drove by nest platform number four.
And we drove by nestplatform number three.
Then we drove by the jail & town Hall where Mayor Joe has his desk.
Arriving back at Glenn’s home we heard a few Quakers, but none sited back in the nest as expected.
As sunset set in a pair of Quakers quickly entered into the nest and I missed my shot.
One last look at the Quakers nestplatform.

But all of a sudden one Quaker came up to the entrance hole as if to say good night.
(Click on image to enlarge photo) Glenn resting back at his perch, we decided to call it a day and come back on Sunday to shoot some video.

Glenn let his guard dogs out.
I'll be back tomorrow to shoot film of the Quakers in flight.
Stay tuned....